Magento 2 Reports: The Ultimate Guide
Magento 2 Reports will be a wonderful tool for your store to have in your sales arsenal. Being a business owner, we all know that the customers are the most important people in any store. The appearance of Magento 2 Reports not only provides us with insight into our customers easily but also brings many other benefits for our customers and the whole store.
Besides that, Magento 2 Reports module can customize and filter the products according to your needs. It also shows statistics for sales, shopping carts, products, customers, and things such as product reviews.
In this tutorial, we will show you 5 types of Magento reports as well as how to manage Magento 2 Reports and you will have a Magento 2 Reports pro for your store.
5 types of Magento reports
Magento 2 Reports can show you many pretty things. The more detailed the reporting is, the more valuable your store is for the customers.
In Magento 2, there are 5 types of reports for you to access and benefit from it as the following below:
Mavenbird Better Reports screenshot

To use those Magento Reports in the right place, you need to know the advantages of each Magento Reports type. Now let’s find out the types of Magento reports in the detail.
With the upgrade of the developers to Magento 2, the extensions had brought many useful features for both the store and the customers. Magento 2 reports is not only a variety of store types, it also offers a great selection of personal options.You surely will find out what you need from Magento 2 reports.
To manage the different types of Magento 2 reports, you need to consider base the report on the demand for your store carefully.
Type 1: Sale Reports
In the newer version of Reporting’s platform, there are 7 different selection of Sale Reports. You can get reports for Orders, Tax, Invoiced, Shipping, Refunds, Coupons, and PayPal Settlement in Magento 2.
You can check the list below to understand more about all your options for Magento 2 Sale Reports.
Orders Sales Reports provide the number of placed orders and the canceled amount. These reports also contain totals for sales, refunded amounts, collected tax, charged shipping, and discounts.
Sales Reports for Tax contain rate and the tax rule. Besides that, it also includes the number of orders and the charged tax.
An Invoiced Report contains the number of orders and bills. This report displays amounts invoiced.
Shipping Sales Report contains the number of orders for the carrier or shipping methods. In addition, the shipping sales report also includes the amounts of total sales shipping and total shipping.
The number of refunded orders can be discovered in Refunds Sales Reports. The total amount refunded online and offline also are included in this sub-category.
Coupons Sales Reports contain a list of coupon codes that are used during a specified time interval, interval related to price rule, and the number of times it was used. Aside from that, totals and subtotals for sales and discounts are also displayed.
PayPal Settlement
Sales Reports for Paypal Settlement can be auto-updated with the most current data from the online payment service, PayPal and contain the type of event.
Type 2: Marketing Reports
In Magento 2, Marketing Reports will supply you much information about your shopping carts for your online store. The Marketing Reports includes Product in Card, Search Terms, Abandoned Carts, and Newsletter Problem. Below is the detailed list of these options for you to understand.
Products In Cart Report
Products in cart report will include all the information that involves the products added to shopping carts such as the name, price, and the number of carts with the item.
Abandoned Carts Report
Abandoned Carts Reports will provide a customer name and email address. In addition, it helps your online store reduce abandoned carts.
Newsletter Problems Report
Marketing Reports for Newsletter Problems will display you the name of each subscriber, the queue date and the information about the error.
Type 3: Reviews Reports
Review Reports supply the information about product reviews. These reviews are arranged by the customer and product. Here is a detailed explanation that can help you understand more of them.
Reports By Customers
The Customer Reviews Report consists all of the customers who have reviewed the product. Also, the report includes the number of reviews that are submitted by each customer.
Reports By Products
The Product Reviews Report shows that all products are reviewed by the customer. This report also contains a number of reviews and the average rating.
Type 4: Customer Reports
Customer Reports in Magento 2 will provide you with a comprehensive review of your customers. And, a deep understanding will help you to increase your sales.
Order Total Report
Order Total Report will display the total number of orders, the average order per customer and the total amount of the order.
Order Count Report
Order Count Report consists of the number of orders per customer. Besides that, you also can see the average order amount and the total amount of the order.
New Accounts Report
The New Accounts Report will display the number of new customer accounts during a period of time.
Type 5: Products Reports
In Magento 2, Product Reports include 5 reports Views, Ordered, Bestsellers, Low Sock, and Downloads.
Views Report
This Product Report will display the product that is viewed as the product name.
Ordered Report
Ordered Products Report is the number of a product order. The entire product name and the ordered quantity are included in this report.
Bestsellers Report
Clearly, Magento 2 Bestsellers Reports will show the bestselling items in your online store.
Low Stock Report
You can view stock levels of items in your Magento store.
Downloads Report
In Product Reports, Downloads Report shows you the number of download times.
Managing The Most Important Magento 2 Reports
One of the most important Magento 2 Reports is Sales Reports. Suppose that you have all of the options on Sale on your Magento online store, you need to choose and arrange them according to your needs. So how do you do?
Now we will guide how to manage Sales Reports as the following steps
3 Steps to manage Sales Reports in Magento 2
To manage Sales Reports
Step 1: Refresh reports statistics
On the Admin Sidebar, tap Store
. In the Sales reports section, choose the reports
you want to get.
To refresh statistics you click on anchor text here

Step 2: Set filter reports
You can set the filter
to get exactly the report you want on the report page. In addition, you also can get the report for all the website or one website, report for a time interval or a date.

Step 3: Show or export reports
After setting your filter, click the Show report
button to get the report you want. Magento 2 also let users export
the Sales Reports to CSV or Excel file.

That’s all the guideline to manage a Sales Report. Just with some clicks, you already own the beautiful reports. I think it is one of the most amazing features in Magento 2.
Magento 2 Reports is absolutely fantastic for store owners. It can help you manage all things on your online store and arrange them neatly and beautifully. Online stores are having more opportunities in understanding customers and building suitable future strategies. Hopefully, this article can be helpful for you and wish you good business. Thanks for reading!