One of the most popular marketing strategies is offering sales and promotions for customers as this encourages or forces buyers to even buy more. Hence, let’s dig more deeply how to setup Discount with Minimum Purchase in Magento 2 that will help you increase your sales significantly.

What is Discount with Minimum Purchase?

The Discount with Minimum Purchase, one of the promotion programs you can create at Magento 2 store, is based on the conditions from the Cart Price Rule. The format of the discount is “X% discount for orders over $Y”. For example, 20% discount for orders over $100 with Gear and Training.

Follow these below 3 steps to complete the Discount with Minimum Purchase in Magento 2:

To Set up Discount with Minimum Purchase:

Step 1: Create a Shopping Cart Rule

Complete this step when you follow the topic:Create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2

Step 2: Set the Conditions

  • On the left panel, select Conditions tab.
  • Click Add icon, set the conditions to Product Attribute Combination.
  • Continue to click Add icon, under the Product Attribute, choose Category. Then Open Chooser to choose the category in the category tree. Then click on the Tick icon to add the categories to the condition.
Set Conditions
  • Click Add icon on the next line and set the condition to Price in Cart. Replace is parameter by equal or greater than, then insert the amount that the Price in Cart must meet the condition.
Set Conditions
  • Click on Save and Continue Edit.

Step 3: Set Actions

  • On the left panel, select Actions tab.
Set Actions
  • Choose Percent of product price discount in the Apply field.
  • Insert the Discount Amount for the promotion.
  • In the Stop Further Rule Processing field, choose Yes if you want to prevent the purchase from qualifying for additional promotions.
  • Click on Save and Continue Edit to set the rule as your expectation.