The useRef hook in React is a powerful tool for managing mutable references to DOM elements or values that persist across renders without causing re-renders. This guide explores how to leverage useRef to handle various use cases in your React applications, from accessing DOM elements directly to storing values that need to be preserved between renders.

By understanding and applying useRef effectively, you can enhance your React components' performance and streamline your code. Whether you're looking to manage focus, handle animations, or maintain previous values, mastering useRef will provide you with a robust solution for managing references in your React projects.

React useRef Hook

Functional Component

While functional components in React offer a declarative approach to building user interfaces, there are times when you need to directly interact with the underlying DOM elements. This is where the useRef hook becomes essential.

In React components, using useState or useReducer can lead to re-renders every time their update functions are called, including during the initial render.

This article will explain what useRef is in React, how to use the useRef() hook to track variables without triggering re-renders, and how to manage component re-rendering effectively.

With the introduction of Hooks in React version 16.8, functional components changed the way we develop user interfaces by providing a more declarative approach. However, there are scenarios where you might need greater control over DOM manipulation or require values to persist between renders without causing unnecessary re-renders. The useRef hook is particularly useful in these situations.

Unlike createRef, which creates a new ref object on every render, useRef maintains the same ref object throughout the component's entire lifecycle.

What is useRef Hook for Accessing DOM Elements?

Imagine you're constructing a house (your React component) using Legos (React code). Normally, you follow instructions (your component’s code) to assemble the Legos. But what if you needed to interact with a specific Lego piece after the house is built (access a DOM element directly)?

This is where the useRef hook in React comes into play. It allows you to create a reference to a DOM element, giving you the ability to manipulate it directly.

The useRef hook is a built-in feature in React that helps you preserve a value across re-renders. It takes an initial value as an argument and returns a plain JavaScript object with a current property.

Think of the useRef hook as a handy tool that lets you place a sticky note (the ref object) in your house. You can write something on the sticky note (set an initial value) and later use it to find and interact with a specific Lego piece (access a DOM element) even after the house is assembled (after the component renders).

The sticky note remains in place even if you rearrange the Legos (during re-renders), and updating the note (changing the ref’s value) won’t cause the entire house to be rebuilt (it won't trigger a re-render)!

When Can You Use useRef?

The useRef hook is particularly useful when you need to:

  • Interact with specific DOM elements within your React component.
  • Store values that do not impact the component's rendering (values that won't cause re-renders).

Here's how you can use the useRef hook:

const ref = useRef(initialValue);

In React, the useRef hook generates a ref object that allows you to access DOM elements and store mutable values without triggering re-renders. When you provide an initial value to useRef, this value is assigned to the current property of the ref object.

For instance, if you pass the Boolean value true as the initial value, the ref object will look like: { current: true }. If no initial value is provided, the current property will be undefined.

The current property of the ref object is used to reference the DOM element after rendering, and it can be updated or set to null when manipulating or removing the corresponding DOM elements.

Here’s a simple example to demonstrate how useRef operates within a functional component:

    import React, { useRef } from 'react';

    function MyComponent() {
      const myRef = useRef(null); // Initialize the ref with null

      const handleFocus = () => {
        if (myRef.current) {
          myRef.current.focus(); // Focus the input when the function is called
      return (
); } export default MyComponent;

useRef Hook Advantages and Initial Value

  • Accessing DOM Elements: Use the useRef hook to easily access and manipulate DOM elements in functional components without triggering re-renders.
  • Initial Value: Store an initial value in the ref object that remains consistent across re-renders.
  • Avoiding Re-renders: Keep mutable values that do not cause the React component to re-render when updated.
  • Ref Attribute: Attach the ref attribute to any DOM element to easily reference it.
  • Current Value: The current property of the ref object provides direct access to the stored value or DOM node.
  • DOM Manipulation: Use the useRef hook for DOM manipulation without relying on state and causing unnecessary re-renders.
  • Minimal Overhead: Lightweight and easy to implement, offering an efficient way to manage references and mutable values.
  • Parent Components: In a parent component, use the useRef hook to create a ref object and pass it to child components. This enables the parent to directly access and manipulate DOM elements or values within the child components.


In summary, the useRef hook in React is a valuable tool for handling DOM elements and mutable values within functional components. By storing an initial value or a DOM reference in the current property of the ref object, useRef enables you to interact with these elements without causing re-renders.

This makes useRef particularly useful for tasks such as accessing input fields, maintaining persistent values across renders, and performing direct DOM manipulation efficiently. Whether you’re dealing with parent or child components, useRef offers a simple and effective way to enhance the functionality of your React applications.