Customer data serves different purposes of the store owner, from understanding their behaviours, communicating to them, and processing orders. If you have a customer list that you want to use in Magento 2, you can add them to your store automatically. In other cases, you can also export the customer data for external use. This article will show you how to import and export information of new customers for your store by using CSV files.

Please follow this guidance to complete tasks

4 Steps to export customers in Magento 2

Step 1: Access to Configuration

  • From to Admin sidebar, select System then click Export
 Access to Configuration

Step 2: Download Customer Mail File

  • In the Entity Type field, select Customers Mail File
Download Customer Mail File
  • You can choose the fields that you want to deport from the file by checking the box beside each field. You can also choose your parts according to other standards: date of birth, date of purchase and so on.
  • Then select Continue and save the file on your computer
  • After opening the file, the result is as follow:
Download Customer Mail File
  • In case the results are not in the usual format as above. You can set up by selecting the first column then click Data then choose Text to Columns. Next, click Delimited > Next. After that, choose the Comma box and don’t choose other boxes. Finally, click Next again and Done.

Step 3: Enter your file with your data

  • If you want to build accounts for your present clients at the website that you just built, you need to enter emails in the email column, and enter your website’s appellation in the website column.
  • These are obligatory fields and other fields depend on you to enter.
Enter your file with your data

Step 4: Save to complete

  • After your file is accomplished, remember to save it in Unicode(UTF-8). To do so in Excel, click Save As and in the Service button, choose Web document settings and find the Coding section in there. After that, choose Unicode(UTF-8) then click OK and Save your file

When exporting file successfully, we proceed to importing the file

3 Steps to import customers in Magento 2

Step 1: Access to Configuration

  • From to Admin sidebar, select System then click Import
Access to Configuration

Step 2: Import the file

  • In the Entity Type field, choose the type of data that you would like to import.
Import the file
  • In the Imports Behavior field:
    • Choose Add/Update Complex Data if you would like to add new clients
    • Choose Delete Entities if you would like to replace your customer database with another.
  • In the File to Import field, select the file to import from your computer.

Step 3: Save to complete

Click Check Data to complete.


  • You have to export a file and fill it before import it in Magento.
  • Your file must be smaller than 8M

The bottom line

This tutorial on how to Import and Export Customers in Magento 2 will help you add data instantly without effort. You can also check our Import/Export CMS extension to have a quicker solution for your data transfer process. Any concerns and questions can be written down below and we will try our best to support you.